Marco Villascan, Country Manager Ufinet Mexico

Marco Villascan

Country Manager Ufinet Mexico

Marco Villascan is an Electronics and Communications Engineer, graduated from the National Polytechnic Institute. Marco has more than 40 years of experience in the mentioned industry in Mexico and has a very well positioned technical-commercial profile. He is also a graduate of both High Management D1 and Higher Direction in Innovation and Technology program – ADIT in IPADE (Pan American Institute in Higher Management). He also holds a degree in Marketing and Telecommunications at ITESM. Mr. Villascan has extensive experience in important areas such as commercial, solutions design and customer service. Likewise, he has carried out important positions such as head of Engineering and Operations in diverse companies. He was selected as Country Manager for UFINET Mexico since April 2017, where he plans to make the company grow in a highly competitive market such the south of North America.

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